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  • Who we are
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Who we are

Anchored in Switzerland and internationally active, WALO is managed as a family business in the 4th and 5th generation. For over 100 years, WALO has focused on the combination of consistency and innovation.


What we do

WALO is active as an innovative total solutions company in all markets of the construction industry. The family-owned company has established itself as a reliable partner in the construction industry and infrastructure projects in Switzerland and worldwide with its decades of experience and the permanent development of sustainable as well as economical solutions.



We have successfully implemented many challenging projects. Therefore, we proudly let our references speak for our work.



Whether residential, industrial, healthcare, outdoor or for sports and leisure facilities - seamless floor coverings have to meet a wide variety of requirements on a permanent basis.



Good buildings and thus satisfied customers require precise construction work. All our employees, from unskilled workers to engineers, play a key role in ensuring that we achieve this goal time and time again.


In conversation with Lovro Covic, track construction foreman

Lovro Covic found his way to Switzerland in 1994 and eventually to WALO, where he worked his way up from a security guard to a foreman in track construction. Despite initial uncertainties and language barriers, he mastered the challenges and took on responsibility in large projects
Who are you and what do you do?

I'm Lovro Covic, I've been in Switzerland since 1994 and work as a foreman in track construction. 

How did you come to WALO?

My father worked at WALO from 1967 to 1984, and my brother also worked there. When I came to Switzerland, my path also led me to WALO. Initially I was a safety attendant, a completely unknown area for me, as I had actually trained as a mechanic. Rails and sleepers were completely new to me, but I was happy to take on the challenge. I wanted to take the opportunity to make something of my life and I worked hard to achieve what I am today. 

What were your challenges?

When I started at WALO, I was very unsure as I didn't know the track construction business. The danger of trains suddenly passing at high speed was unfamiliar. The language was also a challenge at the beginning. 

How did you become a foreman?

I was thrown in at the deep end around 2001 and started as a team leader with 5-6 employees. Later, I became a foreman and finally a foreman, mainly for major remodelling projects for Zurich's public transport company, such as at Bellevue or Central. 

These are central transport hubs in Zurich. Tell us about it, how should we imagine it?

Fortunately, we had enough resources. We worked at weekends with four to five groups and completed work that normally takes two weeks in 48 hours. We demolished the track on Friday evening and then worked flat out until Sunday evening so that the tram could run again on Monday morning. That time had a huge impact on me. 

What do you find particularly exciting or fascinating about track construction? Why did you stick with it?

Every week brings something new. Sometimes things don't go as planned and you have to rethink things. Creating and building something new fascinates me and is something beautiful. Instead of being dependent on social services, I wanted to make a difference myself. 

What does a typical working day look like for you?

In the morning, we meet over coffee and discuss the day's schedule: What needs to be achieved today? How are we on schedule? Our briefing is important, especially as we have many different nationalities in the team. I clearly define who does what, and if there are language barriers, a colleague helps with translations. At the end of the shift, we sit down together again and discuss what has been done and what needs to be considered the next day. The most important thing for me is that everyone goes home healthy and accident-free in the evening. 

Tell us about your everyday life on the construction site. What is the atmosphere like?

The lunch breaks are particularly nice. Sometimes a magazine worker cooks a hot meal for us all. I really appreciate eating together, as positive energy improves the working atmosphere and challenges are easier to overcome. We often spend more time together than with our own families. 

What is difficult?

It's difficult when we work as subcontractors for third parties. The preparations are often different and the work processes are not well-rehearsed because the machines and materials are different. This can lead to delays that nobody questions, even though they are often caused by these circumstances. As a foreman, I bear the responsibility and am happy to take it on. 

Why do you like working at WALO?

WALO is a family business, and you can feel that. If I have a problem, it is not ignored. People ask if everything is OK. This solidarity and warmth are rare these days. At WALO, speed and quality are equally important. That is WALO's strength. 

Why should you become a foreman in track construction?

Today, as 20 years ago, the job of a foreman is very attractive and well paid. You see different construction sites and work processes and work with different departments. Every day brings something new. Although I have 30 years of experience, I'm still learning new things. The job of foreman is varied and involves a lot of responsibility, which makes it interesting. 

If you had to describe WALO in three words, what would they be?

WALO remains WALO. I will never look for anything else. 

Thank you Lovro for the interesting interview and the insights into your day-to-day work! You can find out more about our Track Construction department here. Are you looking for a new professional challenge? You can find our vacancies here.



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