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  • Who we are
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Who we are

Anchored in Switzerland and internationally active, WALO is managed as a family business in the 4th and 5th generation. For over 100 years, WALO has focused on the combination of consistency and innovation.


What we do

WALO is active as an innovative total solutions company in all markets of the construction industry. The family-owned company has established itself as a reliable partner in the construction industry and infrastructure projects in Switzerland and worldwide with its decades of experience and the permanent development of sustainable as well as economical solutions.



We have successfully implemented many challenging projects. Therefore, we proudly let our references speak for our work.



Whether residential, industrial, healthcare, outdoor or for sports and leisure facilities - seamless floor coverings have to meet a wide variety of requirements on a permanent basis.



Good buildings and thus satisfied customers require precise construction work. All our employees, from unskilled workers to engineers, play a key role in ensuring that we achieve this goal time and time again.

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Hydraulic Asphalt Engineering

Durability and Flexibility

Hydraulic Asphalt Engineering
WALO has played a pioneering role in the field of bituminous asphalt coatings for over 80 years, offering a range of services in Switzerland and worldwide. In addition to providing waterproofing membranes for reservoirs, canals, landfills and dams, our specialist department can also carry out a range of repairs.
Blick auf einen grossen Staudamm in den Alpen, umgeben von bewaldeten Bergen und schneebedeckten Gipfeln. Der Damm grenzt an einen türkisfarbenen Stausee, dessen Wasser leicht über die Kante fliesst. Im Vordergrund ist ein Betonbauwerk des Unternehmens WALO und Vegetation zu sehen.
Das Bild zeigt einen türkisfarbenen Speichersee, umgeben von einer kargen Berglandschaft mit majestätischen Gipfeln im Hintergrund. Der Himmel ist teils bewölkt, und Sonnenstrahlen reflektieren auf der Wasseroberfläche.
Arbeiten an einer Dichtungsschicht auf der schrägen Oberfläche eines Damms mit Spezialmaschinen von WALO. Mehrere Bauarbeiter und Fahrzeuge im Einsatz bei Sonnenuntergang.
Bauarbeiten an einem grossen Staudamm in einer hügeligen Landschaft mit einem angrenzenden Stausee. Gelbe Baumaschinen, darunter ein Lader und ein Bagger, sind auf einer Schotterstrasse in Betrieb. Im Hintergrund erstreckt sich der Staudamm aus Felsmaterial.
Das Bild zeigt eine Baustelle an einem steilen Hang, der mit mehreren Schichten verschiedener Materialien bedeckt ist. Bauarbeiter und Maschinen sind auf dem Hang tätig. Die Baustelle ist Rechenbach in Deutschland.


Arbeiten an einer Dichtungsschicht auf der schrägen Oberfläche eines Damms mit Spezialmaschinen von WALO. Mehrere Bauarbeiter und Fahrzeuge im Einsatz bei Sonnenuntergang.

WALO provides an impermeable asphalt lining to new or existing channels.

Asphalt layers can be installed onto a stable subbase course or old existing linings (e.g. asphalt or concrete). Placing the asphalt layers can be installed by a specially developed “channel paver” along the channel, or in the conventional vertical method, depending on the cross-section of the channel bed. Gradients of up to 1:1.25 on the slopes are possible. Channels can be completely lined with the entire surfaced covered (slopes and bottom), or individual areas lined , depending on the project requirements. Modern, sophisticated machinery guarantees high quality and performance, significantly reducing construction times.

Core Walls for Dams

Dense Asphalt Concrete cores for embankment dams.

Rockfill or earthen dams can be made impermeable by installing an asphalt concrete core inside the embankment body. This robust and flexible core is constructed simultaneously, layer by layer, as an iterative process, with the dam itself. The width of the asphalt core is less than 1 % of the dam height and modern machinery allows the dam to rise up to 750 mm per day. The asphalt material is placed by a “core finisher” which also installs the upstream and downstream transition, or filter zones. After the asphalt material is compacted, environmental factors (weather - extream heat or cold), will not affect the bituminous barrier in anyway. This makes the use of asphalt for embankment cores ideal for locations, where adverse weather conditions are common, or where other natural lining materials are unavailable. The Moglice dam in Albania is 157 high and the installed asphalt core with its inherent flexible behaviours, ensures the impermeability of the dam, as a consequence of deformation caused by settlements and seismic activity.

Baumaschinen der WALO Bertschinger AG im Einsatz bei einem Infrastrukturprojekt in Chimney Hollow, Colorado. Zu sehen sind ein CAT-Bagger, eine gelbe WALO-Fertiger-Maschine und eine Walze, die eine Schicht aus grobem Schotter verdichten. Im Hintergrund erstreckt sich eine hügelige Landschaft.

Asphaltic Mastic Seal Coats

Das Bild zeigt einen grossen Staudamm, der in eine grüne, bewaldete Landschaft eingebettet ist. WALO Arbeiter sind auf dem Damm mit Bauarbeiten beschäftigt, während im Vordergrund ein ruhiger Stausee und blühende Wiesen zu sehen sind. Der Himmel ist klar und strahlend blau.

Maintenance, rehabilitation and modernisation.

Exposed asphalt facings will withstand the forces of weather, change of water load / temperature and other various stresses for decades without any additional special protection measures, and can be available for inspection at any time. It is common and good practice, to install a mastic coating after some 20 – 25 years, to renew the bitumen coat at the surface. Due to the thermo-plastic characteristics of asphalt concrete, even after many years of service, an existing lining can be increased by connecting new lining areas, to the existing asphalt (i.e. joining landfill cells together, or raise of the dam crest). There is also the option to transform a single lining system into a monitored multi-layer system.

Surface Seals for Dams

Impermeable facing for dams.

Bituminous lining systems have been used for upstream facings for more than 100 years. Installation is undertaken by special slope pavers, secured by a winch at the crest. The final compaction is achieved by rollers secured by smaller winches. There are different combinations of equipment used, depending upon the project requirements and parameters. WALO’s specialist equipment is all designed, developed, manufactured and are unique to WALO. A lining system normally consists of a binder course (a permeable bituminous layer), and the impermeable dense asphalt concrete. Slope lengths of up to 200 metres and a maximum gradient of up to 1:1.5 can be lined, with ease. The high resistance of the asphalt to mechanical influences (e.g. ice drift, debris, vandalism) means that no additional measures are needed to protect the sealing layer, once installed. At the same time the bituminous lining can accommodate settlements and deformation, up to 10 %. An asphalt liner is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, making it also ideal for dams containing drinking water and irrigation purposes.

Bauarbeiten an einer Dammstruktur in einem alpinen Gebiet, umgeben von dicht bewaldeten Bergen. Mehrere Baumaschinen von WALO, darunter Walzen und Asphaltfertiger, sind auf der schrägen Oberfläche des Damms im Einsatz. Im Hintergrund sind schneebedeckte Gipfel sichtbar.

Surface Seals for Reservoirs

WALO_Oberflächendichtung für Becken_Hornberg

Jointless lining for large structures.

Hydraulic asphalt is a perfect medium for creating an impermeable and durable barrier for large structures such as pump-storage or compensation reservoirs. The lining system remains uncovered and can be inspected whenever required. Asphalt production and installation is highly mechanised and as a consequence, construction times can be effectively optimized. The use of asphalt as the lining system, enables both the design of the structure, and the mix of the asphalt, to be the developed to maximise the project parameters, ensuring the structure is effectively “fit-for-purpose”. The removal of sediments from within reservoirs is possible due to the robust nature of the asphalt lining system (can be trafficked by waggons and loading shovels/dozers), and access to the reservoir by a ramp. The largest asphalt linings for pump storage plants can be found in the USA, China and Central / Western Europe.

Large reservoirs are constructed and lined in asphalt, high in the mountains, where the stored water (collected in the spring/summer times), is used for the production of artificial snow, using “snow cannons”, on the autumn and early winter times. Asphalt linings in these circumstances because they can easily accommodate the significant stresses and loads endured by these structures, due to the extream changes in temperature and water loads experienced during operation. 

Rehabilitation - Hydraulic Asphalt Engineering

Landfills: Enduring environmental protection.

WALO has played a leading role in the field of impervious asphalt lining systems of Landfills for over 50 years, mainly within Central Europe.  

In landfills in particular, it is absolutely essential that the lining is impermeable to liquids. In addition to water, landfills also contain liquids or dissolved materials (leachates), that are environmentally harmful and could pollute the groundwater and aquifers. The bituminous barriers from WALO are impervious, durable and suitable for highly hazardous materials. Consequently, no further measures are needed to protect the asphalt concrete layer, once installed. In addition, they are extremely resistant to ageing, increased temperature and flexible enough to absorb settlements and deformations of the subsurface.

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