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  • Who we are
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Who we are

Anchored in Switzerland and internationally active, WALO is managed as a family business in the 4th and 5th generation. For over 100 years, WALO has focused on the combination of consistency and innovation.


What we do

WALO is active as an innovative total solutions company in all markets of the construction industry. The family-owned company has established itself as a reliable partner in the construction industry and infrastructure projects in Switzerland and worldwide with its decades of experience and the permanent development of sustainable as well as economical solutions.



We have successfully implemented many challenging projects. Therefore, we proudly let our references speak for our work.



Whether residential, industrial, healthcare, outdoor or for sports and leisure facilities - seamless floor coverings have to meet a wide variety of requirements on a permanent basis.



Good buildings and thus satisfied customers require precise construction work. All our employees, from unskilled workers to engineers, play a key role in ensuring that we achieve this goal time and time again.


Bank rehabilitation in the Auhafen Muttenz for Steiger Clariant

Port activities at the project site resulted in both waterside and landside exposure of the embankment. On the water side, the bow thrusters of the large cargo ships were responsible for washouts below the waterline, while above the waterline, the handling operations in the port and the subsequent cleaning of the embankment led to erosion phenomena. The project comprised the construction of a stable embankment foot by means of sheet piling, the reconstruction of the existing sloping embankment - partly under water, the grouting of local damaged areas, as well as the replacement of the partly existing grass pavers by closed concrete slabs.

Project description

Replacement of the grass pavers by concrete slabs

In the first section of the embankment, the existing grass pavers were replaced by a reinforced concrete slab over a length of 85 meters from the Rhine (by means of a pontoon), which will prevent future washouts.

Reconstruction of the existing sloping embankment

Subsequently, the embankment in the section in need of rehabilitation was secured by means of sheet piles to protect the foot of the embankment from the influence of the ships' bow thrusters. Due to the highly rocky bottom of the Rhine bank, four meter deep boreholes (replacement boreholes DN 76 cm, two meters into the rock) had to be drilled in advance. These served to loosen the subsoil in sections to allow driving of the sheet pile wall.

Above the sheet pile wall, the embankment was then built up with cuboid granite stones (1500 - 2500 kg each). During the construction work, the sheet pile wall was protruding above the water surface, which meant that the concrete work for filling the joints in the upper part of the embankment could take place largely isolated from the Rhine. Below the sheet pile wall, two tons of heavy stones were laid as scour protection. As a further work step, the sheet pile wall was cut flush with the embankment paving under water.

In addition, dredging was carried out to ensure the target water depth in the area of the jetty. Finally, the adjacent shore path was repaired over a length of 140 meters.

Clariant 2
Clariant 1
Clariant 4

Walo Bertschinger AG
Bächliackerstrasse 10
4402 Frenkendorf

Muttenz, BL

Hydraulic Engineering

Construction sum
CHF 1'400'000
Swiss Rhine Ports

Hochbergerstrasse 160

4019 Basel
Construction management

Gruner Böhringer AG

Mühlegasse 10

4104 Oberwil

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